About the Journal

Welcome to the Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, a leading platform for scholarly exploration across diverse fields of study. At our journal, we embrace the power of interdisciplinary research and collaboration to advance knowledge and address complex global challenges. The Multidisciplinary Journal serves as a vibrant hub for researchers, scholars, and practitioners from various disciplines to share their insights, discoveries, and innovations. We recognize that today's most pressing issues often require a multidimensional understanding and the integration of diverse perspectives. Our journal aims to bridge the gaps between disciplines and foster a holistic approach to research. We welcome submissions that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries, promoting dialogue and collaboration among researchers working in different fields. By facilitating interdisciplinary discussions, we strive to cultivate a rich intellectual environment that encourages cross-pollination of ideas and sparks transformative discoveries.

Publication Frequency: 
Online ISSN: 
Journal Abbreviation: 
Starting Year: 2021
Language: English
Publication Format: Online
